How To Sell Your House Without Unnecessary Fees If you have a property for sale in Melbourne, chances are you have been looking around and speaking with real estate agents about sale prices, marketing fees, presale makeovers, and all other costs. Also, chances are you are shocked and overwhelmed by the costs. Have you talked…

Smart Tips to Sell Your House If you are a property owner in Melbourne and want to put your house on the market, chances are you are looking for ways to get back the best from your investment. At House Design Solutions, we have listed a few smart ways to sell your house in Melbourne…

Renovate or Detonate? This is one of the biggest questions people agonise over! There is no simple answer when it comes to deciding what is the best way to TRANSFORM your HOME. House Design Solutions will (at the initial consultation) take all factors into account and advise you on your best strategy moving forward. Talk…

What do you need to know about preparing your house for sale in Melbourne? House Design Solutions has one main top tip! Establish whether or not your house is developable! Developable property is often worth far more than market rate prices. Development companies are able to uncover the potential or hidden value in a property…

Do you have a house up for sale and find yourself wondering how to sell your house for more in Melbourne? You will be delighted to know that many properties in Melbourne have hidden value and are worth much more than you realise! We at House Design Solutions, as property developers, can investigate your property’s…

Question: What is the most important thing to know when selling your house or property in Melbourne? Answer: Is it developable? This should be the first question asked when you are considering selling your Melbourne home. If your property meets certain criteria, it could be sold to a developer way above market rate. Developers often…

Have you been wondering how much your Melbourne property is worth? It’s not uncommon for property owners to underestimate the full potential or value of a home or property in Melbourne. Did you know there are people willing to pay you well and truly over its market price under certain conditions? Most properties in Melbourne…

Question: Can you sell your home above market value? Answer: Yes, if your property has developable qualities. You probably know there are specific attributes that make your house least desirable if normally sold through a real estate agent. Main or busy roads, corner sites, homes near commercial activity, and noisy rail lines often decrease the…

If you own a property in Melbourne, chances are the value of it is higher than you realise! Many properties in Melbourne have a hidden value that isn’t immediately apparent to lay people or even established real estate agents. House Design Solutions are experts in uncovering any hidden value of Melbourne properties, and better yet…

House extension is something that most homeowners in Melbourne have to think about sooner or later. The reason for the extension could be the need for more space or perhaps improving the property value. Whatever the reason is, it’s vital to ensure you only employ experts to perform your proper house extension design in Melbourne….

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