Duplex House Dual occupancy development is the most common and most well received type of unit development in metropolitan Melbourne. Over the years many of our clients have profited from unit development, each in their own way based on their particular aims and aspirations. A number of times we have set up “have your cake…
If you love your current address but loath your house you may be considering renovating and extending. For most people their family home is their biggest asset so it is important that you take the right steps to ensure you get the most value from any improvements. We have 5 important tips for you that…
What adds value to a house in Australia? If you are considering building a new home or extending your existing home there are 5 very important ways good architecture will add value to your house design in Melbourne. 1. North orientation It is good design practice to consider where north is and how winter sun…
It should not cost any more to get your house design right! In fact, if your house design in Melbourne stands the test of time you will be rewarded throughout its lifecycle with a comfortable living environment and any future sale should be very profitable. Conversely, poor house design in Melbourne does cost money and…
If you are considering a dual occupancy development it is important that you carefully think through the major factors that are critical to success. 1. Is a dual occupancy development the best option for your property? If you are intending on developing your property with multiple units it is important you first establish the constraints…
A new home project is a perfect opportunity for clever design in relation to Energy Efficiency and the pathways of the sun. Modern construction methods such as “slab on ground” and draft sealing also raise the comfort levels and performance of well-designed homes. The government requires a minimum six star energy rating for all new…
Melbourne property market conditions are such that it is a great time for you to purchase for less. Further, we believe that now, more than ever, buyers are in the box seat to devpelop property themselves in order to gain a further advantage, effectively buying at wholesale prices. With the right guidance, massive savings can…
Unit development in Melbourne If you want to realise the full potential of your property or if you are considering renovating but worry the costs are high, a unit development might be a good option for you! Unit development can take many different forms ranging from a Duplex, Two Family Home Development all the way…
Do you need more space in your home? Thinking of extending? Many people in this scenario face the dilemma of how to extend – should they build up or build out? The value of back yard space is increasing in Melbourne as homes sold with good rear yard space fetch premium prices. For this reason…
How To Sell Your House For More If you own a property in Melbourne, chances are the value of it is higher than you realise! Many properties in Melbourne have a hidden value that isn’t immediately apparent to lay people or even established real estate agents. House Design Solutions are experts in uncovering any hidden…